Corbin: Cutting to the end, she said yes, and here’s the ring:

The ring is made of ROSE gold, because that is the last name, and there is a ROSE shaped shiny rock holder. The shiny thing is made of Moissanite – which is not naturally occurring ON THIS PLANET. It was found in a meteorite. So, I have a rock from outer space for my ALIEN bride-to-be! And fun fact! – Kur’s surname actually sounds and spelled like the word “gold” in Tagalog (Ginto). So yes, Rose Gold, is basically us two.
But anyway, if you really want to hear the story, I will tell you. First, let’s zoom out a bit…

Let’s try to zoom out to just before the proposal:
Corbin: “Hey sister-of-awesomeness, wanna forge a ring in your living room?”
Corbin’s sister-of-awesomeness: “Yeah, sure”
*time passed*
*sketches exchanged*
*awesome forgery happens*
*ring arrives*
Corbin: “Hey Kur’s parents, can I marry Kur?”
Kur’s Dad: “Ok”
Kur’s Mom *cries*
Corbin: “Next week Saturday night, can I steal her for a bit so I can make her dinner and then propose afterwards”
Kur’s Dad: “Ok”
Kur’s Mom: *cries*
*Corbin walks to other room*
Corbin: “Kur – I’ma cook for you next week for a fancy date at my apartment!”
Kur: “Ok!”
*later that night*
Kur’s Dad: “Now a toast to the couple…”
Corbin: *does the ‘cut it off’ signal to no use*
Kur’s Dad: “…may God bless your relationship…”
Corbin: *sweats fearing the surprise set for next week might be ruined*
Kur’s Dad: “.. a toast!”
Everyone: “ok!” *clink clink*
Kur: “weird, but ok!”
*one week later*
Corbin: “Ok, Kur’s parents: I am ready to go take Kur over for dinner!”
Kur’s Mom: “We are coming too, right?”
Corbin: “ummm”
Kur’s Dad: “Don’t mind her – go have your special evening!”
Corbin: “ok…” *blush*
*Kur appears*
Corbin: “Ok, let’s go!”
*car ride*
Kur: “Woo hoo! Fancy date and Corbo-cooking!”
Corbin: “I am trying to remember our last fancy date… Did you order salmon?”
Kur: “No, I don’t get salmon in non-Japanese resto’s – not if they are just going to fry it in a pan and add salt and pepper… It’s an abomination!”
Corbin *starts sweating, because he planned to pan fry salmon with just salt and pepper*
Corbin: “Oh yeah, heh.” *nervous laughter*
*arrival at apartment*
*Corbin opens door*
Kur: “Awww!”
Corbin: “Also, while I cook, you can entertain the other restaurant patrons:”
Kur: “Ok!”
Corbin: *tries to think of a different dish or different way to cook salmon*
Corbin: “…so Kur?”
Kur: “Yes!?”
Corbin: “…so umm… I know you said it was an abomination… but…. IWASGONNAMAKEYOUSALMONINAPAN!” *whimpers*
Kur: “Awww! hihi! It’s fine as long as *you* make it!”
Corbin: “….but …but…”
Kur: “Don’t worry, it’s fine!”
Corbin: “Can you… help me bake it or something?”
Kur: “Ok!”
*cooking happens*
Corbin: “Ok, so I did make dessert as well, but first I have one more surprise for you.”
Kur: “Ya-hoo!”
Corbin: *goes to prep and takes Kur’s phone*
Kur: “do do doooo”
Corbin: “ok, follow me, with your eyes closed”
Kur: *opens her eyes at the appointed time to see:*

Kur: “Awwww!”
Corbin: “The paper snowflakes have our silly pet names for each other written on them; things like ‘my sour bug’ and ‘my caring cashew'”
Kur: “Awww!” *tears up*
Corbin: “Now, have a seat while I serenade you! I set up your phone to record it, since you like to have a record of my serenades”
Kur: “Awww!” *tears some more*
*Corbin serenades Kur with a song he wrote about Kurbin*
Kur: *weeps*

*song ends and Kur and Corbin cry and smile at each other*
Kur: *gets up to hug Corbin*
Corbin: *calculates the geometry of where Kur would be standing and how far it is from his chair and her chair, then stands to meet her hug*
Kur: *weepsmile and giggle*
Corbin: *smug smile*
Corbin: *tries to figure out how to smoothly get her to sit back down*
Corbin: “wait, one more thing!”
Kur: *cautiously sits*
Corbin: *reaches down into a box in a bag behind the box drum*
Kur: *wonders what it is*
Corbin: *opens up hinge on box*
Kur: *thinks: maybe its a necklace or something…? I am content with the song and decorations already!*
Corbin: *trying not to cry* “Coleen Ann… Espiritu, Ate Kur -Lytops… Guintu…”
Kur: *screams in her head: Oh, now this had BETTER be what I think it is… don’t mess with me!*
Corbin: “What are you doing for the rest of your life?”
Corbin: *moves the upside-down ring box closer to Kur*
Kur: *hands over mouth gasp*
* 4 hours later *
Corbin: “So, you didn’t actually say ‘yes’…?”
Kur: “You didn’t actually *ask* [that question]”
Corbin: “…”
Kur: “Yes! Si! Oo, Ya, Oui, *ASL ‘yes’*…. FINALLY!”
*3 minutes later*
Kur: “What is wrong with you?”
Corbin: *smug grin*
Kur: *weeps some more*
*regain composure*
*re-enacts for these photos*
*and then re-enact for dinos*
So, in summary, here is a dramatic interpretation of these events in comic form:

And a timelapse video of the actual events: