We are having a baby!

Baby Shower
Date: 9/10/23
Watch the gender reveal
(Message Corbin for the specific time)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 989 232 0125
Passcode: 274965

Please do not feel obligated in ANY WAY to get us anything. You are welcome to just come celebrate and be excited about the Kurblet with us!
But if you are really in need of shedding a few dollars, here are three ways to share blessings with the baby:
1) Gift Cards!
Again, this is totally optional, but if you do wish to support us, Gift Cards/cash is our preferred babyfunding, as it will help us be able to get items once El Kurblet decides what he/she actually wants in a few months!
2) Amazon Registry:
We have a few items in here for baby!
If you are inclined to give us a card, we encourage you to get a baby book instead (usually the same price!) If you do gift us a book, please write a note in there for a keepsake!
*Note – if you happen upon second-hand versions of these items you would like to gift, please contact Alyssa so she can cross it off the registry list!
3) BabyList Registry
For items that weren’t available in Amazon. I.e. cloth diapers.